Beginner Start Spring 2017

Pre-registration for aspiring beginners Thursday January 19th. sometime between 6 to 8 pm at our premises on Gästrikegatan 11 gives you the ability to fit in the required entry-level group, in good time to fill in personal information in the computer, paying term or annual fee and receive your t- shirt.

If you cannot register during the above period, we can solve the registration after the semester starts subject to availability. You are of course welcome to the training center during regular training time after the training starts January 24th. to take one of the remaining places. As a registered Krav Maga student, you are insured against accidents during training, as well as transportation to and from the venue.

Ability to a trial session is subject to space the first few weeks after the start of the semester. It is then just show up with any workout clothes and sneakers for indoor use. If you wish to try a session workout before you decide Pre-registration is not for you.

We will during the semester have two beginner groups (Group 1 and Group 2) with identical training content. In connection with the registration, you are required to chose one of the group made. If the groups are full, no jumping between the two groups is allowed. However, this will change during the semester.

  • Group 1: Tuesday, Thursday 5.30 to 6.45 pm
  • Group 2: Tuesday, Thursday, 8.15 to 9.30 pm

If you register during pre-registration, you are guaranteed a spot in any of the beginner groups. Registration on computer takes about 4 minutes per student, but the wait for the registration of any of the computers can be longer. No training or demonstration will be held, without Beginner Registration is a purely administrative activity, of course, combined with a general question and answer session.

To register you must at the same time pay the training fee where t-shirt included the first time.

  • Semester regular SEK 2 300
  • Semester students / police / military SEK 2 000
  • Year (incl. Summer training) SEK 4 000

For more information, see the Beginner Start January 2017.